Showing posts with label Bookseller - Canada.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookseller - Canada.. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2024

Bookseller - Canada.   28/01/2021   Bookmark Charlottetown. Since 1972 in Charlottetown and 1989 in Halifax, the Bookmark people have promoted the benefits of the written word, the beauty the book as physical object, and the value of sharing stories and ideas.   24/07/2020   AbeBooks is an online marketplace for books, fine art and collectibles where you can discover and buy the things you love.   3/19/2022   La librairie Zone Libre est une librairie générale indépendante et de fonds. Depuis sa création, elle propose une sélection invitant à l’inclusion sociale et à la participation citoyenne.