32poems.com 4/5/2022
45thparallellitmag.com 18/12/2021 45th Parallel is a literary magazine
affiliated with Oregon State’s School of Literature, Writing, and Film that
celebrates in-betweenness.
580split.org 18/12/2021 580 Split is a journal of arts and letters
founded in 1998 by graduate students of the Literatures and Languages
Department at Mills College.
8poems.com 4/5/2022
aaww.org 1/7/2024
Asian American Writers’ Workshop. Amplifying Asian and Asian diasporic
literature since 1991.
academic.oup.com/analysis 19/07/2020
Analysis, which was founded in 1933, is the most established and
esteemed journal for short papers in philosophy.
academic.oup.com/jos 20/07/2021
Journal of Semantics covers all areas in the study of meaning, with a
focus on formal and experimental methods.
act.maydaygroup.org 16/03/2020
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education (ISSN 1545-4517) is a
peer-reviewed journal seriously committed to principles of open access.
actualitat.traces.uab.cat 11/5/2022
L’Actualitat de TRACES. Aquest espai mostra el seguiment i fitxatge de
les ressenyes i crítiques literàries i teatrals publicades als següents diaris,
setmanaris, revistes i suplements culturals.
aeon.co 16/03/2020
Aeon is a magazine of ideas and culture. We publish in-depth essays,
incisive articles, and a mix of original and curated videos — free to all.
albalondres.com 18/11/2020
Alba Londres Magazine. Culture in translation. Given the interest in
Hispanic culture and the constant cultural exchanges taking place in London in
its booming literary-artistic-intellectual arena.
almostisland.com 17/01/2021
Almost Island is a space for literature that threatens, confronts, or
bypasses the marketplace. Founded by prose writer Sharmistha Mohanty, the space
began with this online journal, then expanded to an international writers
dialogue, held every year in New Delhi.
alteridades.izt.uam.mx/index.php/Alte 16/03/2020
Alteridades es una publicación académica semestral con circulación
nacional e internacional, editada por el Departamento de Antropología de la
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Iztapalapa.
annalemma.net 2/14/2023
Annalemma Magazine is a literary and arts journal printed biannually and
updated weekly online.
annales.univ-mosta.dz 30/05/2020
archive.nyu.edu/handle/2451/62241 2/23/2023
Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters is an international
literary journal dedicated to publishing works encompassing, but not limited
to, the Anglophone, Francophone, Hispanophone and Dutch-speaking Caribbean.
arique.50webs.com 17/10/2020
Arique, revista de poesía. Hace diez años comenzó en Matanzas la saga de
Arique, una publicación artesanal con sueños de revista y de poesía.
artichokereadings.com 1/7/2024
Artichoke reading series. Poetry readings & more. Bei artiCHOKE
treffen sich Lyriker*innen aus deutsch- und anderssprachigen Kontexten, deren
Schnittpunkte Diskussion und Austausch versprechen.
axxon.com.ar 01/06/2020
Revista Axxón, con Cuentos, Novelas, Noticias, Comentarios, Entrevistas,
Cómics, Ilustraciones, Arte, Fantasía, revista de Argentina con material de
todo el mundo y todo lo relacionado con la ciencia ficción.
biblios.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/biblios 05/03/2020
bid.ub.edu 26/10/2020 BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia
i documentació és una revista científica d'accés obert especialitzada en
informació i documentació.
bombmagazine.org 12/03/2020
BOMB Magazine. BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between
artists of all disciplines since 1981.
booklife.com 31/08/2020
BookLife. Resources and tools for book publishers and writers.
books.google.es/books?id=qR8DAAAAMBAJ 13/03/2020
Popular Science (May 1872 - Mar 2009) gives our readers the information
and tools to improve their technology and their world.
books.google.es/books?id=S98DAAAAMBAJ 13/03/2020
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help
them master the modern world.
bop.unibe.ch/index.php/elies 1/16/2024
Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs) es una revista de acceso
abierto, especializada en temas relacionados con la lingüística hispánica, que
se publica desde 1999 y fue fundada por Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg desde la
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
cabinetmagazine.org 19/07/2020
Cabinet. Founded as a non-profit in 2000, Cabinet is an award-winning
quarterly magazine of art and culture based in New York that confounds
expectations of what is typically meant by the words “art,” “culture,” and
sometimes even “magazine.”
cadernodacritica.wordpress.com 22/06/2020 Caderno da crítica. Literatura galega. Blog
de Ramón Nicolás.
carouselmagazine.ca 1/7/2024
Carousel. Hybrid Literature for Mutant Readers.
centrodepoesiavisual.blogspot.com 13/09/2021
crimereads.com 26/11/2021
Crime Reads is a culture website for people who believe suspense is the
essence of storytelling, questions are as important as answers, and nothing
beats the thrill of a good book.
criticalflame.org 3/18/2022
The Critical Flame. Founded in late 2008, the mission of The Critical
Flame is simple: to encourage intelligent public discussion about literature
and culture by publishing long-form literary and critical essays as well as
conversations and translated nonfiction.
cuadernoshispanoamericanos.com 4/22/2023
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos es una revista de crítica literaria y
pensamiento fundada en 1948. Ha sido dirigida sucesivamente por Pedro Laín
Entralgo, Luis Rosales, José Antonio Maravall, Félix Grande, Blas Matamoro y
Benjamín Prado.
czaskultury.pl 24/06/2020
Czas Kultury. Kwartalnik społeczno-kulturalny. Czasopismo kulturalne;
czasopismo naukowe, polska nauka w języku angielskim, recenzje, omówienia,
aktualności kulturalne.
demarcations-journal.org 01/04/2020 Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory
and Polemic.
derive.at 24/06/2020
Dérive. Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung.
detour.es 03/01/2022
dilemaveche.ro 24/06/2020
Dilema veche.
diversosafins.com.br 31/07/2020
Diversos Afins. Revista de Literatura e Arte. Ensaios sobre literatura
brasileira, entrevistas com autores, músicos, fotógrafos, artistas plásticos,
poetas, contistas, poesia, prosa, cinema, música. Exposições de artes plásticas
e fotografia.
drb.ie 12/25/2023
The Dublin Review of Books publishes long-form essays and shorter book
reviews, blog entries, and details on forthcoming literary events in Ireland.
dziejaslou.by 24/06/2020
eclipsearchive.org 19/02/2021
Eclipse is a free on-line archive focusing on digital facsimiles of the
most radical small-press writing from the last quarter century.
edcentaurus.com.br 25/11/2020
elcuadernodigital.com 25/10/2020 El Cuaderno. Cuaderno digital de cultura.
Creado en 2011 como publicación en papel (hasta diciembre de 2016), El Cuaderno
da cobertura a un amplio abanico de propuestas culturales, tanto del ámbito
hispánico como de otras culturas.
eldesaguaderorevista.blogspot.com 02/08/2020
El Desaguadero. Una revista de poesía escrita por poetas.
electricliterature.com 20/12/2020 Electric Literature is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization founded in 2009. Our mission is to amplify the power of
storytelling with digital innovation, and to ensure that literature remains a
vibrant presence in popular culture.
elies.rediris.es 19/02/2021
ELiES (Estudios de Lingüística Española). A partir de 2014, los nuevos
volúmenes de Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs) se encuentran en la
nueva página web de EliEs.
eoagh.com 19/02/2021 EOAGH. A Journal of the Arts.
esprit.presse.fr 24/06/2020 Esprit. Revue mensuelle indépendante fondée
en 1932 par Emmanuel Mounier, Esprit est une revue d'idées engagée dans son
temps. Elle s'efforce d'illustrer une approche généraliste de notre présent,
entre la culture médiatique et les études savantes.
farremi.com 21/06/2021 FA-RE-MI. En 1954, y viendo la necesidad de
una revista que se hiciera eco de los artistas, tanto paraguayos como
extranjeros, que difundían la música paraguaya en el mundo, fundamos con unos
amigos FA-RE-MI.
fgbueno.es/bas/index.htm 19/02/2021 El Basilisco, revista de materialismo
filosófico. La revista El Basilisco fue fundada por Gustavo Bueno en 1978 como
revista de filosofía, ciencias humanas, teoría de la ciencia y de la cultura.
flashbak.com 03/03/2020 Flashbak. Everything Old Is New Again.
flashpointmag.com 29/09/2021 FlashPoint: A Multidisciplinary Journal in
the Arts and Politics.
fortnightlyreview.co.uk 19/01/2020 The Fortnightly Review. The New Series. This
New Series of The Fortnightly Review is an editorial experiment, as was the
Fortnightly at its inception.
france-amerique.com/en 10/28/2019
Founded in 1943 by French exiles in New York, France-Amérique is the
only bilingual French-English publication in the United States.
freeversethejournal.org 01/04/2020
Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics is an annual
electronic journal that focuses on publishing the finest free verse being
written today.
gatopardo.com 19/07/2020
En Gatopardo nos gusta contar historias. Somos la revista sobre
actualidad latinoamericana más influyente de la región.
glanta.org 24/06/2020
granta.com 5/6/2023 Granta Magazine. Granta is a literary
magazine founded in 1889. Read the best new fiction, poetry, photography, and
essays by famous authors, Nobel winners and new voices.
grupointramuros.com/revista 23/08/2020
Revista Intramuros. Fundada por Beltrán Gambier y María Sheila Cremaschi
en 1994, la revista Intramuros se dedica a los géneros de la biografía, la
autobiografía y las memorias.
harpers.org 24/11/2019
Harper’s Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America,
explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form
narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic
Harper’s Index.
hazlitt.net 1/18/2024
Hazlitt. All the best stories: culture, reporting, interviews, podcasts,
comics and fiction from Hazlitt.
heavyfeatherreview.org 4/4/2022 Heavy Feather Review. Established in April
2011, Heavy Feather Review publishes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction,
comics, and more.
hyperrhiz.io 21/09/2020 Welcome to Hyperrhiz, the peer-reviewed
online journal specializing in electronic literature, new media criticism and
net art.
ilianar.tripod.com 23/02/2020 Revista Electrónica de Literatura Mexicana.
intercapillaryspace.blogspot.com 19/01/2020 Intercapillary Space was created in 2006 by
Edmund Hardy, who assembled a group of contributor-editors with the idea of
establishing a rolling poetry zine with an emphasis on criticism and review
iowareview.org 8/23/2022 The Iowa Review. The Iowa Review's mission
is to provide an expertly curated, carefully edited, and beautifully designed
print and online space for the voices of writers of every kind of diversity to
move and enlighten us.
jacket2.org 10/5/2023 Jacket2 offers commentary on modern and
contemporary poetry and poetics. We publish articles, reviews, interviews,
discussions and collaborative responses, archival documents, podcasts, and
descriptions of poetry symposia and projects.
januarymagazine.com 8/3/2024 January Magazine. Book, Authors,
Entertainment, More. January Magazine has been publishing continuously since
1997. That’s a deliciously long time to have been doing anything. We have
accomplished so much of what we set out to do in 1997.
kenyonreview.org 1/19/2024 The Kenyon Review. The International Journal
of Literature, Culture, and the Arts. The Kenyon Review was the vision of poet
Roberta Teale Swartz and her husband, Gordon Keith Chalmers, who became the
thirteenth president of Kenyon College in 1937.
killercoversoftheweek.blogspot.com 8/3/2024 Killer Covers is a companion project of The
Rap Sheet, a news and features resource for crime-fiction fans, edited by J.
Kingston Pierce.
kritika.sk 24/06/2020 Kritika & Kontext. The aim of every
issue of Kritika & Kontext is to introduce the context of four or five
books from the social sciences and humanities which were published in the West
during the past fifty years, but were translated into Slovak or Czech only
after 1989.
krytyka.com 1/19/2024 Krytyka. Міжнародний Огляд Книжок Та Ідей.
Створюючи часопис, редактори Критики брали за взірець, з одного боку, New York
Review of Books і Times Literary Supplement, а з другого – часопис Kultura, що
його видавав у паризькій еміґрації Єжи Ґедройць.
04/04/2020 Kultura. Onet. To
serwis zawierający ciekawe informacje na temat wydarzeń kulturalnych, nowych
książek, sztuki w najlepszym wydaniu oraz repertuar teatrów w Polsce.
kulturaliberalna.pl 24/06/2020 Kultura Liberalna. Z centrum widać
larepubliquedeslivres.com 9/15/2024 La République des livres. Pierre Assouline.
lareviewofbooks.org 30/10/2021
Los Angeles Review of Books. Ten Years of Cultural Vitality.
lasoga.org 08/11/2020
La Soga. Revista Cultural. La Soga es una revista digital guiada por el
libre albedrío cultural.
latinamericanliteraturetoday.org 6/28/2024 Latin American Literature Today is a journal
that seeks to reflect new realities of Spanish-language literature through a
quarterly online publication.
lecturafilia.com 9/15/2024 Lecturafilia. Leer es vivir dos veces.
letrasenlinea.uahurtado.cl 1/15/2024
Letras en Línea es una revista electrónica de extensión perteneciente al
Departamento de Literatura de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
letraslibres.com 4/21/2024
Letras Libres. Revista impresa y digital editada en México y España,
dedicada a la literatura, la cultura y la libre discusión de las ideas.
25/10/2020 Linternas y bosques.
Expediciones a la literatura infantil y juvenil. Blog de lectura crítica y
periodismo especializado en literatura infantil y juvenil.
literariedad.co 5/1/2024
Revista Literariedad. Apuntes de Caminante.
literaturkritik.de/portal_info.php 10/10/2019
"Literaturvermittlung in den Medien" (LVM) heißt ein
Studienschwerpunkt im Fach Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, der seit dem
Wintersemester 1999/2000 an der Philipps-Universität Marburg vom Institut für
Neuere deutsche Literatur angeboten wird.
literratura.org 9/15/2024 Лиterraтура. Электронный литературный
журнал. Избранная современная литература в текстах, лицах и событиях.
lmda.net 02/06/2020 Le Matricule Des Anges est un magazine
d’informations littéraires, libre et indépendant, qui paraît chaque mois. Il
est diffusé en france, en belgique, en suisse et au québec (librairies, maisons
de presse, abonnements).
magazine.plazm.com 08/06/2020 Magazine PLAZM. Founded in 1991 by Portland
artists, Plazm magazine publishes challenging & innovative art, design,
cultural, and literary works.
manzanomountainreview.com 16/01/2022 Manzano Mountain Review is an online
literary journal based in central New Mexico. Our first issue was published in November 2017. We published two
issues per year until 2019.
masqueandspectaclejournal.wordpress.com 16/01/2022 Masque & Spectacle. An arts &
literary journal. We publish all forms of creative writing, including hybrid
works, drama, literary journalism, and essays, as well as visual art,
photography, video, sound art, and reviews.
maudlinhouse.net 20/01/2022 Maudlin House is a bridge between new form
fiction and experimental lit that takes on mainstream pop culture through the
lens of 21st-century indie art.
micklestreet.rutgers.edu 7/9/2022 Mickle Street Review. An electronic journal
of Walt Whitman Studies. Rutgers University-Camden. MSR fue una creación del
presidente de la Walt Whitman Association en 1978, Frank McQuilkin.
2/18/2024 Minor Literature[s].
Stuttering culture[s]. Minor Literature[s] is a collaborative and
not-for-profit project funded solely by the editors, who also volunteer their
time for free.
misfitmagazine.net 15/01/2020
2/18/2024 MockingHeart Review is
an online literary and art journal. Our aesthetic is ever expanding, and since
2019 the journal features fine poetry and artwork alike.
2/18/2024 Modern Poets Magazine.
Our goal is simply to be the first place you come when you wish to find
quality, contemporary poetry by established and emerging poets from around the
modjourn.org 05/02/2020 Modernist Journals. The Modernist Journals
Project digitizes English-language literary magazines from the 1890s to the
1920s. We also offer essays and other supporting materials from the period.
mosaicmagazine.org 1/22/2024 Mosaic Literary Magazine. Literary Arts of
the African Diaspora. Mosaic is a literary print and virtual magazine that
showcases the work of writers of African and Latinx descent.
mtlreviewofbooks.ca 5/1/2024
The Montreal Review of Books, or mRb, is your source for intelligent
conversation about English-language books from Quebec.
2/22/2024 Mudlark: An Electronic
Journal of Poetry & Poetics. Never in and never out of print, William
Slaughter, Editor.
2/18/2024 Mudlark. An Electronic
Journal of Poetry & Poetics. Never in and never out of print, William
Slaughter, Editor.
negratinta.com 25/12/2020
Negratinta - Periodismo & Narrativa.
negraymortal.com 15/05/2021 Negra y Mortal.
newcriterion.com 09/12/2020 The New Criterion, edited by Roger Kimball,
was founded in 1982 by the art critic Hilton Kramer and the pianist and music
critic Samuel Lipman.
neweasterneurope.eu 07/12/2019
newhumanist.org.uk 07/12/2019
nos.ie 28/03/2020 Is iris chultúir é NÓS a chlúdaíonn
suimeanna coitianta an tsaoil chomhaimseartha. Tá sé de sprioc ag NÓS beocht
fhuinniúil a chur i sochaí na hÉireann trí léargas muiníneach Gaelach a
thabhairt ar an saol thart orainn.
nrevistasedp.edaddeplata.org/# 5/4/2022 Revistas de la Edad de Plata. Explora
visualmente a los creadores de la Edad de Plata con los grupos y movimientos en
los que participaron y los artículos y revistas que publicaron. Residencia de
nrfh.colmex.mx/index.php/nrfh 25/01/2020 La Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica
publica artículos y notas sobre literatura española e hispanoamericana,
lingüística hispánica y teoría y metodología literaria y lingüística.
numerocinqmagazine.com 8/4/2024 Numéro Cinq. A warm place on a cruel web.
All work on Numéro Cinq is owned by the authors and artists who produced it.
nuorivoima.fi 07/12/2019
ojs.letras.up.pt 31/01/2020 Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do
Porto. OJS.
omprom.com 07/12/2019
openlettersreview.com 10/31/2024 Open Letters Review. Literary criticism,
book reviews and recommendations, and essays on literature and culture.
ovejero.info 31/12/2020 Ovejero Art & Literature. A deeper look
at Art & Literature from Around the World.
oxi-nobstante.blogspot.com 03/01/2022
papelenblanco.com 30/12/2020 Papel en Blanco. Nadando en libros, cómics y
todo el mundo de las letras.
paradoxa.com 02/03/2022 Paradoxa is a peer-reviewed, scholarly
periodical that publishes articles on genre literature: science fiction,
horror, mysteries, children’s literature, romance, comic studies, the
fantastic, the occult, westerns, oral literature, and more.
parnaseo.uv.es/Lemir/Revista.html 9/10/2024
Revista Electrónica Lemir. Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y del
parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant.htm 10/31/2024 Tirant publica articles especialitzats,
notes i ressenyes, i dóna notícia d'estudis, miscel·lànies, monografies o
traduccions importants, així com d'actes i espectacles relacionats amb la
literatura de cavalleries.
pedwargwynt.cymru 07/12/2019
plus.maths.org/content 04/04/2020
Plus is an online magazine which aims to introduce readers to the beauty
and the practical applications of mathematics.
poemeleon.me 06/08/2023 Poemeleon. Founded in 2005, Poemeleon is an
ever-changing journal of contemporary poetry and poetics, pausing to explore
the shifting boundaries between of poetry, and highlighting poetry bears more
exploration and excavation.
poeteka.blogspot.com 07/12/2019
3/29/2022 American Poets
Magazine. The Academy of American Poets is the largest membership-based
nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for contemporary poetry and
supporting American poets.
prostory.net.ua/ua 07/12/2019
publica.pl 07/12/2019
puv.uv.es/lespill.html 07/12/2019
queenmobs.com 4/27/2024 Queen Mob’s Teahouse (2014-22) was a daily
online literary magazine.
remue.net 10/31/2024 Remue. Création et critique littéraire,
littératures contemporaines. Pages personnelles de en 1997, puis revue
littéraire en 2000, le site remue est devenu un collectif en 2001.
rethinkingschools.org/magazine 10/01/2021
Magazine. Rethinking Schools.
01/02/2020 Retroculturati is an
online magazine for lovers of music, cinema, photography, social, political and
military history. A cultural escape for those living in the present with a
lingering look at the past.
revista.abretelibro.com 16/07/2020
Revista ¡¡Ábrete Libro!! Revista digital sobre libros y autores.
revistababar.com 2/11/2024 Babar es originariamente una revista impresa
que nació en 1989 como una experiencia de animación a la lectura en el colegio
Federico García Lorca de Arganda del Rey, de manos de Antonio Ventura y su
grupo de alumnos.
revistacaracters-uv.es 12/6/2022 Caràcters és una revista quadrimestral
d’informació literària que fou fundada a iniciativa de Vicent Alonso.
revistacentauros.wordpress.com 3/18/2023
revistaclarin.com 21/07/2020
Revista Clarín. Revista de nueva literatura.
revistacontrapunto.com 4/22/2023 Revista Contrapunto. Revista de Crítica e
Información Literaria surgida en las aulas de la Universidad de Alcalá.
Publicamos reseñas, artículos, entrevistas y otros contenidos desde la
revistadeletras.net 31/08/2020 Revista de Letras. La Revista de críticas de
libros, entrevistas, reportajes, reseñas y noticias sobre el mundo literario.
revistaemilia.com.br 31/08/2020 Revista Emília. Leitura e livros para
pequenos e grandes leitores.
revistafabula.com 2/2/2024
Revista Literaria Fábula. Los fabuleros somos lectores que escriben y
escritores que leen. Nos declaramos entusiastas de los objetos bellos de papel.
revistaorsai.com 06/11/2020
La revista Orsai Digital es la hermana ansiosa de la mítica revista
Orsai en papel. Crónicas y cuentos que se pueden escuchar.
revistapenultima.com 03/01/2022
revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMPL 15/03/2020 Complutum, revista anual hasta el número 18
y bianual a partir del número 19 con formato 19x27 cm., fue fundada en 1991 por
el profesor Martín Almagro Gorbea.
revistas.udistrital.edu.co 17/02/2020
Bienvenido al sistema de revistas científicas y académicas de Acceso
Abierto de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas de la ciudad de
Bogotá, administrado por el Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico.
revistas.ufpr.br 17/02/2020
A Biblioteca Digital de Periódicos (BDP) da Universidade Federal do
Paraná (UFPR), anteriormente denominada Sistema Eletrônico de Revista (SER) foi
construída com o software Open Journal System (OJS), software de código fonte
revistes.uab.cat/anuariolopedevega 9/10/2024
Anuario Lope de Vega. Publicación de estudios en torno a Lope de Vega, y
especialmente los que abordan cuestiones textuales, literarias y culturales.
revolverrevue.cz 07/12/2019
revue.leslibraires.ca 02/06/2020 Revue Les libraires. Depuis sa création en
1998, la revue Les libraires est devenue un objet de référence unique dans le
milieu littéraire québécois en rejoignant plus de 50.000 lecteurs par numéro.
salvage.zone 13/03/2020 Salvage is a journal of revolutionary arts
and letters, committed to publishing the best radical essays, poems, art and
fiction. Salvage is a biannual journal of revolutionary arts and letters.
samtiden.no 07/12/2019
saranacreview.com 17/03/2020 Saranac Review. The Saranac Review is
committed to dissolving boundaries of all kinds, seeking to publish a diverse
array of emerging and established writers from Canada and the United States.
shilomagazine.com.au 07/12/2019
sites.lsa.umich.edu/mqr 6/22/2023 Michigan Quarterly Review, founded in 1962,
is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining
distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in
stroligut.com 5/14/2023 Stroligut. La revista de literatura catalana
i en català. Conte, relats, assaig, novel·la, articles, pròlegs, poemes,
poesia, traducció i avançaments editorials.
sveske.ba 07/12/2019
t24.com.tr/k24 07/12/2019
tearsinthefence.com 2/22/2024 Tears in the Fence. An independent,
international literary magazine. Our bi-annual publication includes poetry,
prose poetry, translations, fiction, flash fiction, non-fiction, reviews and
essays by established writers from around the world.
theobserver.ro 17/07/2020 The Observer Translation Project. Saptamanal
de informatie si analiza culturala.
thepsychologist.bps.org.uk 24/03/2020 The Psychologist is the only publication of
its kind in the UK. If you are interested in human behaviour and what makes us
tick, The Psychologist is the magazine for you.
therapsheet.blogspot.com 8/3/2024 The Rap Sheet. The Rap Sheet is always on
the lookout for information about new and soon-forthcoming books, special
author projects, and distinctive crime-fiction-related Web sites.
tidsskrift.dk/passage 07/12/2019
timberjournal.org 2/6/2023
Timber. Twice a year Timber publishes a selection of prose, poetry, and
visual text-work, along with rolling interviews and reviews with contemporary
writers and artists.
tomdispatch.com 2/22/2024 TomDispatch is a web-based publication aimed
at providing “a regular antidote to the mainstream media.”
visao.sapo.pt/jornaldeletras 04/01/2021
Visão. Jornal de letras.
visat.cat 12/13/2023 Traductors i traducció Català. Revista de
literatura i traducció del PENCatala amb l'objectiu d'internacionalitzar les
lletres catalanes i promoure els intercanvis literaris.
volltext.merkur-zeitschrift.de 07/12/2019
willawawjournal.com 2/22/2024 Willawaw Journal is an online magazine for
poetry and art, published twice a year–Fall and Spring. Our mission is to
encourage writers and artists to create, and to generate a community where a
diversity of voices is welcome.
witness.blackmountaininstitute.org 04/01/2021 Witness. Witness seeks original fiction,
nonfiction, poetry, and artwork that is innovative in its approach,
broad-ranging in its concerns, and bold in its perspective.
wmagazin.com 2/22/2024 WMagazín es una revista literaria con
entrevistas, reportajes, debates, crónicas, reseñas, análisis y coberturas de
los principales eventos del libro en el mundo.
www.14hills.net 3/6/2024
Fourteen Hills is a graduate student-run and award-winning literary
magazine that has been a vital part of the Bay Area literary community and
www.2river.org 3/6/2024
The 2River View is published four times a year. 2River considers
unpublished poems only. An unpublished poem is one that has not appeared in any
form of print or digital media, including personal or public blogs.
www.3ammagazine.com/3am 8/4/2024 3:AM Magazine. Whatever it is, we’re against
www.3quarksdaily.com 09/12/2019
www.akad.ee 07/12/2019
www.aldaily.com 6/26/2024
Arts & Letters Daily began in 1998 in the belief that the internet
could be a vehicle for meaningful intellectual exchange.
www.almostisland.com 6/27/2024
Almost Island is a space for literature that confronts or bypasses the
marketplace. Founded by prose writer and poet Sharmistha Mohanty, and co-edited
by poet Vivek Narayanan, the space began with this online journal.
www.alohacriticon.com 8/22/2022 AlohaCriticón. Información y opinión
independiente sobre cine, música rock y literatura.
www.alphalibros.com.ar 12/23/2024
Alphalibros. Desde Mendoza, región de Cuyo de la República Argentina,
hemos instalado esta revista.
www.americaindigena.com 20/03/2020
SYMBOLOS, Revista de Arte, Cultura, Gnosis. La Tradición Amerindia. Los
Símbolos y la Simbología Precolombinos y las doctrinas indoamericanas como
puerta de entrada a la Tradición Perenne y Vertical.
www.amigosdellibro.com/revistalazarillo 12/22/2024
Lazarillo es la revista de la Asociación de Amigos del Libro infantil y
juvenil. Es una publicación semestral.
www.aristej.si/slo/domov.html 07/12/2019
www.artnoir.es 6/7/2023 ArtNoir. Revista gratuita de literatura,
fotografía, ilustración, arte... y de otros diluvios.
www.asymptotejournal.com 8/4/2024 Asymptote is the premier site for world
literature in translation. Our mission is simple: to unlock the literary
treasures of the world.
www.barcelonareview.com 13/03/2020 The Barcelona Review. International Review
of Contemporary Fiction. An electronic, bilingual, bi-monthly, English-Spanish
Review of Contemporary Fiction, Revista Internacional de Narrativa Breve
Contemporanea, also in Catalan.
www.beardofbees.com 1/16/2024 Beard of Bees was founded in 2001 as the
publishing wing for the Gnoetry experiment — as a place to publicly show the
results of experiments with human-computer poetic collaboration.
www.berfrois.com 4/27/2024
Berfrois. Tea, Literature, Ideas. Berfrois is an online
literary-intellectual magazine. Berfrois is free of adverts thanks to our
supporters. Russell Bennetts founded Berfrois in 2009.
12/03/2020 Bizarro Central. The
cult section of the literary world.
www.bjp-online.com 25/03/2020 British Journal of Photography. The latest
photography news and features, since 1854.
www.blaetter.de 07/12/2019
www.bookbrunch.co.uk 3/6/2024
BookBrunch is a daily news service and information site for the book
industry. Joint editors Nicholas Clee and Neill Denny have nearly 50 years of
covering the book trade between them.
www.booksa.hr 12/25/2023 Booksa. Najkraće rečeno – Booksa je fizički
i online prostor posvećen književnosti u svim njezinim oblicima i pojavama,
svima koji u književnom polju sudjeluju pa tako i vama – publici i čitateljima.
www.caratula.net 4/22/2023
Revista Carátula. Carátula es una revista de periodicidad bimensual y
digital que durante más de década y media se ha convertido en una referencia
hispanoamericana que promueve las ideas, la creación y la crítica literaria en
www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/signa 23/01/2020
Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, publicada por el
Centro de Investigación de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías
www.chronicle.com 5/11/2023
The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle, a privately owned,
independent news and information organization, was founded in 1966 and
originally owned by a nonprofit, Editorial Projects in Education.
www.cipherjournal.com/html/home.html 3/10/2023 CipherJournal. Launched in 2003,
CipherJournal aims to be something new in the domain of online literary
journals. Lucas Klein, MA, Mphil.
www.compagnosegreto.it 10/02/2020
Il compagno segreto. Un posto per chi legge. L'unico lunario mensile per
feste letterarie. Una festa al mese per Conrad, Stendhal, Kafka, Stevenson...
www.conjunctions.com 17/03/2020
Conjunctions — The forum for innovative writing. Innovative, immaculate,
provocative fiction, poetry, narrative nonfiction, and hybrid forms in two
separate editions: a biannual e- and print issue and a weekly online magazine.
Fearless writing for dangerous readers."
www.contranatura.org 09/03/2020
El Sitio Contranatura es producido desde 2006 por Cravan Editores en la
ciudad de Lima, territorio sojuzgado por el Estado del Perú.
www.cronicaliteraria.com.ar 21/11/2020
Crónica literaria nació como el suplemento cultural de Diario Crónica de
Comodoro Rivadavia.
www.cultureetdemocratie.be 07/12/2019
www.curatormagazine.com 15/10/2019
www.deaddrunkdublin.com 11/11/2019
Dead drunk dublin & other imaginal spaces is a place without
hierarchy or dogma; a polytheistic experiment where drunkenness leads to vision
and the opening of other views of reality; a play zone for those who would
question the pseudo solidity of known things.
www.dhk-pula.hr 07/12/2019
www.drb.ie 26/12/2020
The Dublin Review of Books has published essays chiefly in the fields of
literature, history, arts, culture and the human sciences on a quarterly basis
since Spring 2007.
www.edge.org 19/01/2020 Edge was launched in 1996 as the online
version of "The Reality Club" and as a living document on the Web to
display the activities of "The Third Culture."
02/06/2020 El Boomeran(g). Blog
literario en español editado por la Fundación Santillana.
www.elektrobeton.net 07/12/2019
www.elmalpensante.com 13/03/2020 El Malpensante. Desde su fundación en 1996,
El Malpensante se ha convertido en uno de los principales referentes culturales
de Colombia. Literatura, cine, música, arte, arquitectura, diseño, política.
www.elprofesionaldelainformacion.com/index.html 05/03/2020
www.elsmarges.cat 6/26/2022
Els Marges és una «revista de llengua i literatura», de periodicitat
quadrimestral, fundada el 1974 per Joaquim Molas, en sincronia amb la titulació
dels primers llicenciats en filologia catalana que sortien de les aules
universitàries del país.
www.elviejotopo.com 26/06/2020 El viejo topo. Revista y editorial para la
transformación social. Bienvenidos a El Viejo Topo, revista y editorial para la
transformación social y espacio de reflexión en los ámbitos económico, social,
político y cultural.
www.elyra.org/index.php/elyra 12/23/2024 eLyra é publicada pela rede de investigação
internacional LyraCompoetics.
www.e-periodica.ch 25/10/2019
www.eurozine.com 26/12/2020
Eurozine is a network of European cultural journals, linking up more
than 90 partner journals and associated magazines and institutions from nearly
all European countries.
www.fenceportal.org 13/03/2020 Fence Books and Literary Journal. Since
1998, Fence is a biannual print journal of poetry, fiction, art, and criticism
that redefines the terms of accessibility by publishing challenging writing
distinguished by idiosyncrasy and intelligence rather than by allegiance with
camps, schools, or cliques.
www.fgbueno.es/bas/index.htm 02/04/2020
La revista El Basilisco fue fundada por Gustavo Bueno en 1978 como
revista de filosofía, ciencias humanas, teoría de la ciencia y de la cultura,
para facilitar “la publicación regular de trabajos cuyo común denominador fuera
el estar concebidos desde una perspectiva filosófico-crítica (materialista)”.
www.full-stop.net 12/23/2024
Full Stop. Reviews. Interviews. Marginalia. Full Stop focuses on debuts,
works in translation, and books published by small presses.
www.gazzettafilosofica.net 06/12/2019 “Gazzetta filosofica” è un nome e un
progetto che vuole essere inclusivo.
www.h7o.cz 07/12/2019
www.hamburger-edition.de/zeitschrift-mittelweg-36 07/12/2019
www.hbook.com 5/8/2023
The Horn Book Magazine and The Horn Book Guide are the most
distinguished journals in the field of children’s and young adult literature
and the core of our company.
www.hundertvierzehn.de 20/02/2020
Hundertvierzehn. Das literarische Online-Magazin des S. Fischer Verlags.
114, das ist unsere Hausnummer in der Frankfurter Hedderichstraße.
www.identitytheory.com 6/14/2022
Identity Theory: A Literary Magazine. Online literary journal featuring
author interviews, original fiction, poetry, and essays. Established in 2000.
www.iliteratura.cz 7/20/2024
iLiteratura. Zdroj vaší knižní inspirace. Nejrozsáhlejší český časopis o
literatuře z celého světa. Kritická reflexe české i zahraniční knižní produkce:
o knihách píšeme poučeně a s přehledem.
www.illadelsllibres.com 13/03/2020
L’illa dels llibres. L’actualitat literària a la revista digital de
L’illa dels Llibres. Entrevistes, reportatges, novetats editorials i molt més.
www.indexoncensorship.org 07/12/2019
www.intechopen.com/journals 6/29/2022
IntechOpen Journals are a new publishing venue for academics in areas of
rapid interdisciplinary growth at the cutting edge of technology, environmental
sciences and human health.
www.intellectum.org 07/12/2019
www.jadewalker.com 11/01/2021
Midnight Musings. A journal by Jade Walker. I write for a living. Mostly
about the dead.
www.jezikinslovstvo.com 01/02/2020
Jezik in slovstvo je slovenistična revija, ki že od leta 1955 izpolnjuje
svoj temeljni program: ponujati razprave in zapise o slovenskem jeziku in
literaturi ter s tem povezani pedagoški teoriji in praksi.
www.jltonline.de 19/07/2020
Das Journal of Literary Theory ist ein Forum für Forschungsbeiträge aus
dem Bereich der Literaturtheorie. JLT ist interdisziplinär angelegt und offen
für alle literaturtheoretischen Ansätze.
www.journalofelectronicpublishing.org 11/03/2020
The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) is an open access journal
that publishes research and discussion about contemporary publishing practices,
and the impact of those practices upon users.
www.kirkusreviews.com 4/21/2024 Kirkus Reviews. Book reviews,
recommendations, and the latest literary news from the most trusted voice in
book discovery, Kirkus Reviews.
www.kulturosbarai.lt 07/12/2019
www.kulturpunkt.hr 26/12/2020
Portal Kulturpunkt.hr centralni je projekt udruge KURZIV - Platforme za
pitanja kulture, medija i društva.
www.lapunkt.ro 07/12/2019
www.laveudelsllibres.cat 12/23/2022
La Veu dels Llibres (LVL) és una revista digital compromesa amb la
difusió i promoció del món literari i el món dels llibres en llengua catalana,
així com amb els autors, editors i lectors de tot el nostre àmbit lingüístic.
www.lemague.net/dyn 02/06/2020
Le Mague culturel & cultivé. Art, Critique, Société. Journal
culturel libre et participatif fondé et dirigé en toute liberté de ton et
d'action depuis le 1 janvier 2003 fondé par Frédéric Vignale.
www.letraslibres.com 07/12/2019 Letras Libres es una revista mensual de
crítica y creación, fundada en 1999 y heredera de la tradición y el ánimo de la
revista Vuelta fundada por Octavio Paz.
www.leviathan.nomos.de 07/12/2019
www.libraryjournal.com 5/8/2023 Library Journal. En los 140 años
transcurridos desde su creación, Library Journal se ha inspirado en la creencia
de que las bibliotecas transforman vidas, en cada etapa de la vida.
www.librerantes.com 25/12/2020 Librerantes. La revista.
www.librujula.com 14/11/2020
Librújula es una revista de libros bimestral y un portal digital sobre
www.lmd.no 07/12/2019
www.lrb.co.uk 12/10/2022
London Review of Books. Europe’s leading magazine of ideas, published
twice a month. Book reviews and essays (and much more online) renowned for
their fearlessness, range and elegance.
www.lwbooks.co.uk/soundings 07/12/2019
www.mallarmargens.com 02/06/2020
Mallarmargens. Revista de poesia e arte contemporânea, no ar desde maio
de 2012, tem como objetivo aglutinar a diversidade da poesia contemporânea
nacional e internacional.
www.metamute.org 07/12/2019
www.monde-diplomatique.fr 09/06/2020 Le Monde diplomatique. Fondé en 1954 par
Hubert Beuve-Méry, Le Monde diplomatique porte la marque d’une époque où tout
paraît possible : les empires coloniaux vacillent, le tiers-monde s’assemble à
Bandung pour opposer son unité aux grandes puissances de l’époque, les pensées
émancipatrices s’épanouissent. Bientôt, elles soulèveront les populations, au
Nord comme au Sud.
www.moriapoetry.com 15/01/2021
Moria is a poetry journal dedicated to experimental poetry and poetic
theory. An experimental poetry books series, formerly a journal, edited by
william allegrezza.
www.multitudes.net 07/12/2019
www.musicandliterature.org 8/4/2024
Music & Literature, Inc., is a nonprofit organization devoted to
publishing and promoting the work of underrepresented artists from around the
www.mysteryscenemag.com 2/10/2023
Mystery Scene Magazine, founded in 1985, was published four times per
year in a full-color glossy magazine format, usually between 68 and 76 pages
long. It suspended print publication with the 2022 Winter Issue #17.
www.narrativemagazine.com 13/03/2020 Narrative Magazine. Writers, Fiction,
Poetry, Storytelling, Nonfiction, Art. A renowned modern library of fiction,
poetry, essays, and visual art by celebrated and emerging artists, provided
free to readers.
www.nature.com 30/10/2019
Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest
peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of
its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness,
accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
www.neuewoertlichkeit.de 19/02/2021 Neue Woertlichkeit. Bureau für Buchkritik.
www.newscientist.com 22/03/2020 New Scientist is the world’s most popular
weekly science and technology magazine.
www.newstatesman.com/books 4/27/2022
www.newyorker.com/culture 20/12/2020 The New Yorker. Cultural news and criticism,
and conversations about TV, theatre, movies, and music, as well as Goings On
About Town listings from The New Yorker.
www.ninthletter.com 07/12/2020
Ninth Letter is the award-winning literary arts journal edited and
produced by the Creative Writing Program at the University of Illinois,
www.nlobooks.ru 07/12/2019
www.nuvol.com 12/23/2022
Núvol. Diari digital de cultura en català. Actualitat i opinió sobre
llibres, art, teatre, música, cinema, cultura digital i pensament. També
publiquem ebooks i la revista anual en paper.
www.nybooks.com 29/10/2021 The New York Review of Books. Politics,
Literature, Arts, Ideas: the latest articles and features from The New York
www.nytid.fi 07/12/2019
www.nytid.no 07/12/2019
www.nytimes.com/section/books 3/29/2022
Books. The New York Times. The latest book reviews, best sellers, news
and features from our critics and reporters.
www.observatorcultural.ro 17/02/2021 Observator Cultural. Revistă de informație
și analiză culturală.
www.onedit.net 31/12/2020
Onedit. Tim Atkins. United Kingdom.
www.openlettersmonthlyarchive.com 8/4/2024
Open Letters Monthly is dedicated to the proposition that no writing
which reviews the arts should be boring, back-patting, soft-pedaling, or
personally compromised.
www.openned.com 31/12/2020 Openned Poetry. It is run by Stephen Willey
and Alex Davies. Openned has had an online presence since September 2005, and
between May 2006 and November 2009 Openned was also a reading series held in
East London, at The Foundry.
www.othervoices.org 02/06/2020 Other Voices is an independent,
award-winning, electronic journal of cultural criticism published at the
University of Pennsylvania.
www.oysterboyreview.org 18/12/2020 Oyster Boy Review is an independent literary
magazine erratically published in print and online.
www.perlentaucher.de 08/03/2020
Der Perlentaucher ist das führende und unabhängige Kultur- und
Literaturmagazin im deutschsprachigen Internet.
www.poetryfoundation.org 23/08/2020 Poetry Magazine. Poetry Foundation. Founded
in Chicago by Harriet Monroe in 1912, Poetry magazine began with the “Open
www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine 5/12/2024 Poetry Magazine. Based in Chicago since
1912, the magazine publishes contemporary work primarily in English and
translation of poets from all over the United States and the world.
www.poetryporch.com 23/05/2020
The Poetry Porch. A literary magazine in the Internet, a vantage point
where poets and writers, teachers and students, the accomplished and aspiring
can publish poetry and prose, exchange ideas, and engage in formal and informal
www.poetrysky.com 28/11/2020 Poetry Sky is the first bilingual poetry
online journal in the world publishing contemporary Chinese and American poetry
and their translations. It was founded by poet Yidan Han. The first issue of
Poetry Sky was published on February 15, 2005.
20/05/2021 The Salt River
www.polar-zeitschrift.de 07/12/2019
www.positionen.berlin 07/12/2019
www.publishersweekly.com 18/10/2020 Publishers Weekly, familiarly known in the
book world as PW and "the bible of the book business," is a weekly
news magazine focused on the international book publishing business.
www.razpotja.si 07/12/2019
www.reganarts.com 13/03/2020
Regan Arts. Regan Arts is a creator and producer of content across all
media platforms.
www.rektoverso.be 07/12/2019
www.reset.it 07/12/2019
www.residencia.csic.es 02/04/2020 Generación del 27. Residencia de
Estudiantes. Toda la información, textos, biografías, autores y actos públicos
relacionada con la Generación del 27 y la cultura contemporánea la podrás
encontrar en la Residencia de Estudiantes.
www.revistacaramella.cat 15/09/2020
Revista Caramella. L’any 1999 davant el buit que existeix d’una
publicació sobre temes de música i cultura popular, tres entitats d’aquest
àmbit i ubicades en diferents punts dels Països Catalans –Carrutxa, Solc i
Tramús–, decideixen sumar esforços i recursos.
www.revistaclij.com 15/09/2020
CLIJ, revista especializada en literatura infantil y juvenil comenzó a
editarse hace ya tres décadas, con un doble objetivo: dignificar una literatura
que, por estar destinada a los menores, siempre se ha considerado menor, y
defender la importancia cultural de la lectura desde la infancia.
www.revistadelibros.com 5/12/2024
RdL. Revista de Libros. Crítica cultural: artículos, ensayos y reseñas
bibliográficas. Crítica de libros y opinión experta.
www.revistadepoesiaclave.com 01/09/2020
Revista de poesía Clave.
www.revistaelarbolrojo.net 5/12/2024
Revista El Árbol Rojo es una revista de literatura infantil y juvenil
que ofrece contenidos e información sobre libros, ilustración, cine y
actualidad relacionada con el sector editorial y el universo infantil y
www.revistaleemas.mx 24/06/2020 Revista Lee+. Nuestra publicación, fundada
en marzo de 2009, se ha posicionado desde entonces, mes con mes, como una
iniciativa abierta a la diversidad de intereses y expresiones relacionadas con
la creación, el arte y el entretenimiento.
www.revistalibertalia.com 30/12/2020 Revista Libertalia es un proyecto sin ánimo
de lucro ni línea editorial centrado en la filosofía y las humanidades.
www.revistamercurio.es 06/08/2020
Revista Mercurio. Se funda en Sevilla en 1998. El color identitario en
Mercurio no tiene matiz político ni social alguno: nació con este color morado
al amparo de la Capilla Rothko de Houston, hogar de todas las creencias del
mundo (incluida la atea).
www.revistanarrativas.com 11/12/2023
Narrativas. Revista de narrativa contemporánea en castellano. Con el
núm. 50, Narrativas llega a su fin.
www.revistaquimera.com 4/22/2023
Revista Quimera. Hecha para lectores exigentes. Quimera es una revista
española de análisis literario. Fue fundada en noviembre de 1980 y tiene una
periodicidad mensual.
www.revistasculturales.com 09/12/2020
La Asociación de Editores de Revistas Culturales de España (ARCE) se
constituye en el año 1983 por iniciativa de los propios editores de revistas de
www.revuedumauss.com 03/10/2019
La Revue du M.A.U.S.S. (Mouvement anti-utilitariste dans les sciences
sociales*). Depuis 1981, La Revue du M.A.U.S.S. s’est imposée comme une des
toutes premières revues interdisciplinaires et un des lieux importants du débat
public en France.
www.revuenouvelle.be 07/12/2019
www.revue-projet.com 07/12/2019
www.rigaslaiks.lv 07/12/2019
www.rivistailmulino.it 07/12/2019
www.saltana.org/porta.html 8/24/2024
Saltana. Revista de literatura i traducció.
www.sciencedirect.com/journal/assessing-writing 17/02/2021
Assessing Writing is a refereed international journal providing a forum
for ideas, research and practice on the assessment of written language.
www.scienceshumaines.com 22/04/2020 Magazine Sciences Humaines. Sciences
Humaines, le magazine référence pour comprendre l'humain et la société à
travers l'actualité des sciences humaines et sociales.
www.sens-public.org 07/12/2019
www.siece.es/siece/revista.html 05/12/2020
Revista internacional de estudios sobre la escritura y la lectura.
SIECE. Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios sobre Cultura Escrita.
www.slj.com 5/5/2023
School Library Journal. School Library Journal is the premiere
publication for librarians and information specialists who work with children
and teens.
www.sodobnost.com 07/12/2019
www.springerin.at 07/12/2019
www.synogsegn.no 07/12/2019
www.talesliterary.com 09/10/2020
Tales Literary. Revista en papel dedicada a la publicación de relatos
cortos, entrevistas y artículos de interés para amantes del género breve.
www.tekedergisi.com 03/01/2021
Uluslararasi Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi.
www.theguardian.com/books 7/28/2024
Books. The Guardian. Latest books news, comment, reviews and analysis
from The Guardian.
www.theparisreview.org 2/22/2024
The Paris Review is a literary magazine featuring original writing, art,
and in-depth interviews with famous writers.
www.theparisreview.org/blog 02/06/2020
The Paris Review. Arts and Culture News.
www.the-tls.co.uk 11/10/2023
TLS. The Times Literary Supplement. Since 1902, we have been publishing
expert reviews and insightful, sometimes provocative essays by the best writers
from around the world.
www.thoughtco.com/literature-4133251 02/06/2020 Literature. From pithy quotations to
sprawling novels, discover the best of the written word using these resources
and study guides. Thought Co.
www.tidskriftenordobild.se 07/12/2019
www.todoliteratura.es 01/09/2020
Todo literatura. Análisis y crítica del mundo literario. Conoce a fondo
la actualidad literaria, las críticas literarias de nuestros colaboradores y
descubre con nosotros los últimos libros publicados.
www.tor.com 7/5/2022
Tor is an online magazine and community site that covers science
fiction, fantasy, and all the many related subjects that interest us as
www.tradepub.com 23/01/2020
Free Professional and Technical Research Library of White Papers,
Magazines, Reports, and eBooks.
www.um.es/tonosdigital 30/10/2020
Tonos Digital. Tonos es un término con sólidas raíces en el mundo de la
filología. Tonos entronca a la perfección con la idea de diversidad que
queremos aplicar a nuestro proyecto.
www.unf.edu/mudlark 11/10/2023
Mudlark. An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Never in and
never out of print, William Slaughter, Editor.
www.univie.ac.at/Geschichte/LHOMME 07/12/2019
www.vagant.no 07/12/2019
www.varlik.com.tr 07/12/2019
www.vetrnemlyny.cz/rozrazil-1/p776 07/12/2019
www.vikerkaar.ee 07/12/2019
www.visat.cat 10/11/2020
Visat. La revista Visat publica articles relacionats amb la literatura i
la traducció literària.
www.visorliteraria.com 11/17/2022
Revista Literaria Visor. Revista literaria en español especializada en
relato corto. Además de reseñas y ensayos de los diferentes aspectos de dicho
género, presta especial interés al apartado de creación literaria.
www.washingtontimes.com/books 23/06/2021
Book Reviews - Washington Times. Find book reviews and news on authors,
fiction, non-fiction, biographies, memoirs, literature and children's books at
The Washington Times.
www.webdelsol.com 23/08/2020
Web del Sol is Supported by Algonkian Writer Conferences. Algonkian
Writer Conferences supports Web del Sol, a community and portal for the
literary world which hosts several top literary journals and writer blogs.
www.webdelsol.com/Sulfur 30/10/2020
Sulfur. A Literary Bi-Annual of the Whole Art.
www.wespennest.at 07/12/2019
www.wordforword.info 30/10/2020
Word For/Word.
8/4/2024 World Literature Today.
The mission of World Literature Today, is to serve the international, state,
and university communities by achieving excellence as a literary publication, a
sponsor of literary prizes, and a cultural center for students.
www.writtentales.com 5/19/2024
Written Tales is a literary magazine without censorship. We’re not
biased and instead focus on creative writing. We embrace short fiction,
non-fiction, and poetry.
www.zeitschrift-osteuropa.de 07/12/2019
www.zendalibros.com 21/01/2021
Zenda. Autores, libros & cía.
www.zenskestudie.edu.rs 07/12/2019
www.zurgai.com 01/08/2020
Zurgai. Euskal herriko olerkiaren aldizkaria. Poetas por su pueblo.
www2.grenfell.mun.ca/animus 17/02/2021
Animus. The Canadian Journal Of Philosophy And Humanities. Animus aims
at a philosophical understanding of the works of Western civilization and
contemporary views of these works.
3/20/2022 Zombie Logic Review.
Poetry For Outsiders and Outlaws. Zombie Logic Review is the online literary
publication of Zombie Logic Press. It publishes poetry, webcomics, and art.