Sunday, February 21, 2021

Poetry. - (82 links).   24/05/2020   10/12/2019   All Poetry. The world's largest poetry site. The web's largest poetry writing group - from beginners to experts.   17/01/2021   Almost Island is a space for literature that threatens, confronts, or bypasses the marketplace. Founded by prose writer Sharmistha Mohanty, the space began with this online journal, then expanded to an international writers dialogue, held every year in New Delhi. Almost Island publishes two issues a year.   02/01/2021   A media voz. Antología de la poesía hispanoamericana. Biografías. Poesía del siglo de oro. Traducciones de la poesía universal. Poesía sensual y romántica. Archivos sonoros con voces de poetas y declamadores. Textos de escritores reconocidos. Poemas de viva voz. Cortos fragmentos de prosa. Poesía contemporánea. Poesía surrealista. Poemas clássicos.   02/08/2020   Anthologie de la poésie française. La poésie est le mode d'expression qui convient le mieux à la connaissance des choses essentielles: l'amour, la mort, Dieu, la joie, le malheur. Chez les Grecs et les Romains de l'antiquité, savoir et sentir étaient indissociables.   17/10/2020   Arique, revista de poesía. Hace diez años comenzó en Matanzas la saga de Arique, una publicación artesanal con sueños de  revista y de poesía. Nacía para ofrecer un espacio alternativo a escritores poco conocidos sin acceso a las publicaciones oficiales.   18/11/2020   Badilisha Poetry X-Change is both an online audio archive and Pan-African poetry show delivered in radio format. Now the largest online collective of African poets on the planet, Badilisha has showcased and archived over 500 Pan-African poets from 28 different countries. It reflects the myriad of rhythms and rhymes, voices, perspectives and aspirations from all corners of the globe.   30/01/2021   Bardic Poetry Database. This database is the work of Dr Katharine Simms, Department of History, Trinity College Dublin. It is currently being updated and expanded by Dr Mícheál Hoyne, DIAS.   03/09/2020   Bloof Books is collective poetry press based in Central New Jersey, publishing perfect-bound paperbacks, limited-edition handmade chapbooks, broadsides, fine art prints, and ephemera. We were founded in 2007, and have just celebrated out tenth year. We hope to be doing this at least ten more.   18/02/2021   Contemporary American Poetry Archive (CAPA).   19/02/2021   Eclipse is a free on-line archive focusing on digital facsimiles of the most radical small-press writing from the last quarter century. Eclipse also publishes carefully selected new works of book-length conceptual unity.   22/03/2020   Eclipse: Author Index.   22/03/2020   Eclipse: Title Index.   31/07/2020   El Cielo a Caballo (Poemas de André Cruchaga). En este blog puede leer una extensa muestra de poesía del poeta André Cruchaga, El Salvador, 1957. Toda la obra publicada aquí, está registrada en el Centro Nacional de Registros de la Propiedad Intelectual y derechos de autor.   02/08/2020   El Desaguadero. Una revista de poesía escrita por poetas.   19/02/2021   EOAGH. A Journal of the Arts.   01/04/2020   Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics is an annual electronic journal that focuses on publishing the finest free verse being written today. The journal aims to provide a forum for the wide variety of poetic experiments and work in various poetic traditions in the United States and outside North America.   19/01/2020   Intercapillary Space was created in 2006 by Edmund Hardy, who assembled a group of contributor-editors with the idea of establishing a rolling poetry zine with an emphasis on criticism and review culture. It has slowly changed since then, publishing more poetry, and, perhaps inevitably, slowing down.   23/08/2020   Jacket2 offers commentary on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. We publish articles, reviews, interviews, discussions and collaborative responses, archival documents, podcasts, and descriptions of poetry symposia and projects. We also publish discursive explorations and transcripts of material in the PennSound archive.   25/12/2020   Selecció de Poesia Catalana. Aquesta pàgina és gentilesa de LletrA (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), d'Editorial Empúries, d'Edicions 62 i d'Edicions Proa.   14/11/2020   14/11/2020   03/12/2020   Marieke Lucas Rijneveld (1991) debuteerde in 2015 met de dichtbundel Kalfsvlies, die werd bekroond met de C. Buddingh Prijs voor het beste poëziedebuut. Zij groeide op in een gereformeerd boerengezin in Noord-Brabant en woont tegenwoordig in Utrecht, de stad die haar in 2015 het C.C.S. Cronestipendium toekende.   15/01/2020   10/12/2019   Palabra Virtual es un portal mexicano realizado por Blanca Orozco de Mateos. Aquí encontrarás una colección de poemas en la voz de sus autores o de algunos de sus intérpretes, y una amplia selección de poemas en video. Además contamos con una notable colección de audios de la literatura universal.   12/07/2020   23/05/2020   Poemeleon: A Journal of Poetry was  founded by Cati Porter in December of 2005. Each issue is devoted to a specific kind  of poetry. The first issue, dedicated to the poetry of place, launched  in June 2006, with subsequent issues dedicated to different kinds of  poetry.   31/07/2020   Poetry Daily. Founded in 1997, Poetry Daily is a 501(c)3 non-profit daily anthology of contemporary poetry. Our editors read journals and books of poems first published from the widest range of sources we can find, from across the US and the world—and we continually seek to expand that reading.   01/08/2020   PoemTalk (episodios 1-41). For each episode of PoemTalk four friends and colleagues in the world of poetry and poetics convene to collaborate on a close (but not too close) reading of a single poem.   08/03/2020   Poésie Française. Poésie Française est à la fois une anthologie de la poésie classique, du moyen-âge au début du XXème siècle, et également un espace de visibilité pour l'internaute, amateur éclairé ou professionnel qui désire y publier ses oeuvres à titre gratuit.   10/12/2019   The Poetry Society of America’s mission is to build a larger and more diverse audience for poetry, to encourage a deeper appreciation of the vitality and breadth of poetry in the cultural conversation, to support poets through an array of programs and awards, and to place poetry at the crossroads of American life.   19/07/2020   The Poetry Society. Connecting you to the transformative power of poetry. The Poetry Society was founded in 1909 to promote “a more general recognition and appreciation of poetry”.   02/08/2020   The Poetry Society of Virginia. Celebrating the past, present, and future of Virginia Poetry.   22/03/2020   The Poetry Zone. Children’s poetry and poetry teaching resources. Publishing children’s poems online since 1998.   22/03/2020   League of Canadian Poets. Supporting poets & poetry in Canada. The League of Canadian Poets is the professional organization for established and emerging Canadian poets. Founded in 1966 to nurture the advancement of poetry in Canada, and the promotion of the interests of poets, it now comprises over 700 members.   14/01/2021   Poets is produced by the Academy of American Poets. The site was launched in 1996, becoming the original online resource for poems, poets' biographies, essays about poetry, and resources for K-12 teachers. Founded in 1934 in New York City, the Academy of American Poets is the nation's leading champion of American poets and poetry, with members in all fifty states.   17/02/2020   Representative Poetry Online, version 3.0, includes 4,700 English poems by 723 poets from Caedmon, in the Old English period, to the work of living poets today. Its electronic founder and editor since 1994 is Ian Lancashire, who is a member of the Department of English, University of Toronto.   14/11/2020   English Poetry 1579-1830. The 25,000 records in this largely full-text database follow developments in English poetry from the publication of the Shepheardes Calender in 1579 down to Spenser's successors among the nineteenth-century romantics.   17/02/2021   Poets' Corner. Introduction, Overview, and Index Summary. A large and comprehensive collection of Poetry indexed by author, title and subject. This collection includes approximately 7000 works by 800 authors, and spans hundreds of years and a wide range of genres.   23/07/2020   Electronic Poetry Center. EPC was founed by Loss Peqeño Glazier, with Charles Bernstein, at the Poetics Program of SUNY-Buffalo in 1995. Our goal was to make available a wide range of resources centered on digital and contemporary formally innovative poetries, new media writing, and literary programming.   10/12/2019   Alforja. Revista de Poesía. Alforja cumple once años de trabajo ininterrumpido desde aquel grupo inicial que se debatió entre el escepticismo y la incomprensión, alejada de un eslogan —“fraternidad universal de los poetas”— tan poco legítimo a esta comunidad.   10/12/2019   Beard of Bees is an independent, free press. We are based in Oak Park and Chicago, Illinois. Beard of Bees is committed to publishing quality chapbooks by liberated poets from Anywhere. We do not discriminate against non-human or post-human artists.   12/12/2020   Poetry. The following is an alphabetical list of all the poetry available to read for free on Bibliomania.   10/12/2019   The Butler Pennsylvania Poems. Cities have long been an object of poetic contemplation. This poetry about a small Western Pennsylvania town attempts to reawaken the past and infuse meaning and newness into seemingly trivial happenings one takes for granted.   27/10/2020   01/08/2020   One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets. The Ogura hyakunin isshu is a collection of one hundred poems composed for the most part over a period of some three hundred years, from the early tenth to the early thirteenth century.   31/07/2020   Pàgina Oficial de Joan Margarit i Consarnau. Poeta i arquitecte, catedràtic jubilat de Càlcul d’Estructures de l’Escola Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona.   14/11/2020   14/11/2020   08/03/2020   Lyrikline. Listen to the poet! Zeitgenössische Poesie in Originalstimmen. Wachsende Sammlung von Gedichten und Tonaufnahmen internationaler Dichter und tausende Übersetzungen.   02/06/2020   Mallarmargens. Revista de poesia e arte contemporânea, no ar desde maio de 2012, tem como objetivo aglutinar a diversidade da poesia contemporânea nacional e internacional. A ideia é propiciar um ambiente amigável para troca de influências e diálogo literário entre os autores, bem como lhes assegurar visibilidade e facilitar o contato com o meio editorial.   28/04/2020   The Marie Alexander Poetry Series. Robert Alexander first conceived of the Marie Alexander poetry series while he was a contributing editor at New Rivers Press. He had just finished editing, along with Mark Vinz and Bill Truesdale, an anthology of prose poems (The Party Train, 1996), a project which grew out of work he had done as a graduate student in the early 1980s.   22/11/2020   17/04/2020   Modern American Poetry. The anthology contains poems by hundreds of different modern and contemporary poets, including several poets—among them women, minorities, and progressives—who previously had not been published in anthology form.   15/01/2021   Moria is a poetry journal dedicated to experimental poetry and poetic theory. An experimental poetry books series, formerly a journal, edited by William Allegrezza.   14/09/2020   Benvinguts a Música de poetes, un espai virtual per a la música i la literatura promogut per la UOC (projecte LletrA) i el Departament d'Ensenyament, on us convidem a conèixer les cançons que els músics han compost a partir dels versos dels nostres millors poetes, algunes de les quals, a hores d'ara, són difícils de trobar.   31/12/2020   Onedit. Tim Atkins. United Kingdom.   16/01/2020   31/12/2020   Openned Poetry. Openned is based in London, UK. It is run by Stephen Willey and Alex Davies. Openned has had an online presence since September 2005, and between May 2006 and November 2009 Openned was also a reading series held in East London, at The Foundry.   18/12/2020   Oyster Boy Review is an independent literary magazine erratically published in print and online. The magazine is staffed by volunteers, published in San Francisco and distributed in bookstores and libraries around the U.S, and entirely funded by subscription and magazine stand sales.   31/12/2020   P0es1s has been a platform for digital poetry since 1992. concept by friedrich w. block in collaboration with andre vallias, karin wenz, christiane heibach, thomas wohlfahrt & benjamin meyer-krahmer.   02/09/2020   Poem Hunter. Poems from different poets all around the world. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets.   12/08/2020   Poetes. Le romantisme a contribué à forger la sensibilité qui est la nôtre.   23/08/2020   Poetry Magazine. Poetry Foundation. Founded in Chicago by Harriet Monroe in 1912, Poetry magazine began with the “Open Door”. The magazine has since been in continuous publication for more than 100 years, making it the oldest monthly magazine devoted to verse in the English language.   09/04/2020   Poetry in Translation is a niche, digital publisher providing modern, high-quality open access translations of classic texts by famous poets alongside original poetry and critical works. Our founder, A. S. Kline, is a poet and translator previously published by Borders. He created the Poetry in Translation site with the goal of increasing accessibility of the classics.   23/05/2020   The Poetry Porch. A literary magazine in the Internet, a vantage point where poets and writers, teachers   19/07/2020   The Poetry Project. We experiment and model what can happen when a community radically organizes around poetry.   28/11/2020   Poetry Sky is the first bilingual poetry online journal in the world publishing contemporary Chinese and American poetry and their translations. It was founded by poet Yidan Han. The first issue of Poetry Sky was published on February 15, 2005.   22/03/2020   The Poetry Translation Centre gives the best poems from Africa, Asia and Latin America a new life in the English language, working with diaspora communities for whom poetry is of great importance.   22/03/2020   Poetryvlog. All Poets. Occasional video reading of poetry by the poet.   05/12/2020   The Salt River Review.   16/09/2020   The Museum of American Poetics. The idea for the Museum of American Poetics (MAP) began upon the death of American poet Allen Ginsberg on April 5, 1997. Jim Cohn, a poet and former teaching assistant to Mr. Ginsberg at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, had a dream the night Ginsberg died that much of the wisdom and compassion found in the growingly diverse demotic lineages of U.S. poetry would be dissipated under the influx of the Big Data Age.   09/12/2019   Portal de poesia. Acceso al portal de la poesía de todos los tiempos y lugares, libros digitalizados, poetas con blog.   02/04/2020   Generación del 27. Residencia de Estudiantes. Toda la información, textos, biografías, autores y actos públicos relacionada con la Generación del 27 y la cultura contemporánea la podrás encontrar en la Residencia de Estudiantes.   01/09/2020   Revista de poesía Clave.   14/11/2020   10/12/2019   Il Duecento è un archivio che raccoglie testi della poesia italiana antica, del periodo che va dalle origini fino a Dante. Nel corso degli ultimi anni, ho raccolto un grande corpus testuale, probabilmente il più grande archivio del genere, e comunque l'unico disponibile in rete.   02/08/2020   Sitaudis, poésie contemporaine, actualité littéraire et poésie. Toute la poésie contemporaine et l'actualité poétique sur Sitaudis. Les poètes contemporains, vidéos, fictions, parutions et biographies de poètes contemporains sur le premier site de poésie comparative.   19/07/2020   Mudlark, An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Never in and never out of print, William Slaughter, Editor.   23/05/2020   Complete works of Gonzalo de Berceo, first known spanish poet (13th cent.). Complete works of poet Gonzalo de Berceo, glossary, historical documentation, biography, bibliography and a variety of other related resources.   31/07/2020   Gedichte von Hans Arnfrid Astel.   01/08/2020   Zurgai. Euskal herriko olerkiaren aldizkaria. Poetas por su pueblo.